Press Information
For further information please contact:
Isabel Carlisle
Director of the Festival of Muslim Cultures
Tel: 020 7609 3734
International: +44 20 7609 3734
The Festival of Muslim Cultures - Overall Review
The Festival of Muslim Cultures came into existence as an idea in early 2003 when a group of Muslims and non-Muslims together envisaged a cultural festival as a way to combat many current misperceptions about the Muslim world. We wanted to show that the cultural contributions that Muslims have made to the West are not confined to the historical past but that the rich cultures of the Muslim world are part and parcel of British life and share many values with the contemporary West.
Working with arts organisations and Muslim grassroots organisations in
England, Wales and Scotland the Festival acted as a catalyst for around 120 events in 2006. We successfully brokered partnerships, found funding and delivered projects as well as managing the overall programme and publicising it through our website, e-newsletters and printed newsletters.
A full review of the Festival's work can be downloaded here or by emailing Isabel Carlisle at the address above.
Download file here